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After successful resuscitation, after the patient has recovered, but is still unconscious, place them in the stable recovery position


  • Minimize all movement especially of the spine and neck.
  • Keep the victim’s head neck and trunk in a straight line
  • To prevent the patient from rolling into a dangerous position.
  • Helps easy transportation and nursing of the victim.
  • Allows the tongue to fall forward and drainage of fluids and hence maintains the airway.


  1. straighten the victim’s legs
  2. open the airway by triple maneuver
  3. the arm nearest to you is placed at right angles to the body with flexion at the elbow, and palm facing upwards
  4. the other hand is dragged across the chest and the dorsal surface is placed against the patient’s cheek
  5. the farther leg is grasped just above the knee and pulled up
  6. flex the knee leaving the foot on the ground.
  7. Pull on the leg hip and opposite shoulder so as to roll the victim onto his/her side, towards you.
  8. The uppermost leg is flexed at a right angle at both, the hip and knee joints
  9. Check the pulse and breathing immediately after.